God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10
We want to see you use the gifts and talents that God has given you in an exciting way. There are many ways to get involved at Shiloh, here are just a few! Contact the office at [email protected] for more information!
Ushers are a warm, welcoming presence to those coming to our Worship Service. They greet attendees as they walk through the door and direct them to available seats.
- Various Sundays from 10:15 -11:45 AM
- Shiloh attender
Tech Team (Sound/slides/Live streaming)
The worship tech team consists of people who run slides, sound and/or the live stream. They are adaptable and detail oriented.
- Thursday Set-Up from 6-8 PM
- Sundays at 8:15 AM through Worship Service
Frequency is flexible!
- Interview and training sessions
- Possess the necessary technical skills
The security team patrols and monitors premises to detect any irregularities including suspicious behavior. Security will respond to calls for help and assist during emergencies.
- Sunday mornings (as scheduled) from 10:15 -11:45 AM
- Church membership
Kids Ministry
Kid's Church teachers & helpers lead students through a pre-planned lesson. They actively engage with age appropriate games, songs, Bible stories, crafts, and/or snacks. They encourage the kids in growth and understanding of faith and God. They cultivate an atmosphere where kids have fun and build relationships with one another.
- Sundays (as scheduled) from 10 - 11:45 AM
- Church membership
- State Background check
- Adhere to policies and procedures
CAre team
The care team ministry team is to make sure our body is taken care of, whether that’s someone’s physical or spiritual needs.
Members of the care team organize and provide support and follow up in the following areas:
PRAYER REQUESTS - Anyone with a prayer request.
VISITATIONS - For those who have had surgery or had someone has passed away. Also, check-in on those with a prolonged sickness.
MEALS -For those who have had a baby, surgery, prolonged sickness or had someone has passed away.
As Needed
The care team ministry team is to make sure our body is taken care of, whether that’s someone’s physical or spiritual needs.
Members of the care team organize and provide support and follow up in the following areas:
PRAYER REQUESTS - Anyone with a prayer request.
VISITATIONS - For those who have had surgery or had someone has passed away. Also, check-in on those with a prolonged sickness.
MEALS -For those who have had a baby, surgery, prolonged sickness or had someone has passed away.
As Needed
A. Hold the doors for everyone that comes through.
B. Smile
C. If you know they are new, walk them to the welcome desk
SUNDAY MORNINGs (as scheduled): Be out front/at door by 10:15
A. Hold the doors for everyone that comes through.
B. Smile
C. If you know they are new, walk them to the welcome desk
SUNDAY MORNINGs (as scheduled): Be out front/at door by 10:15
The hospitality team helps provide meals to people in conjunction with the care team, provide and/or organize food and kitchen support for special events, memorials, church picnics, and potlucks
The hospitality team helps provide meals to people in conjunction with the care team, provide and/or organize food and kitchen support for special events, memorials, church picnics, and potlucks
- As needed